NEW & REFURBISHED MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, (with 3 months warranty), sale 230907


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Prezzo base: €2,500

Prezzo stimato: €4,000 - €5,000

IVA: Solo su commissione

This device measures Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Calcium, and pH using the manometric method. Type of sample to use: * Whole blood, serum and/or plasma (100 µl – 150 µl) * Pre-diluted urine (200 µl) * Data storage: Up to 1000 samples with results every 24H Detection range: * whole blood, serum and plasma * K+: 0.5 – 15.0 mmol/L * Na+: 20 – 200 mmol/L * Cl-: 20 – 200 mmol/L * Ca²+: 0.1 – 5.0 mmol/L * pH: 4.0 – 9.0 pH Calibration of an ISE 6000 Ionogram 2 calibration points: Call A: * K+: 4.0 mmol/L * Na+: 140.0 mmol/L * Cl-: 100.0 mmol/L * Ca²+: 1.0 mmol/L * pH: 7.4 Cal B: * K+: 8.0 mmol/L * Na+: 110.0 mmol/L * Cl-: 70.0 mmol/L * Ca²+: 2.0 mmol/L * pH: 7.8 * User interface: LCD widescreen * Thermal printer: 32 character * Ambient temperature: 10° – 30° C * Humidity:< 70% * Serial port: RS 232 * Voltage:220V +/- 10% or 110V +/- 10%; 50Hz +/-1Hz * Consumption:<60W * Dimensions: 50cm x 27cm x 36cm * Weight: 7.2 Kg Accuracy : * K+: +/- 0.2 mmol/L * Na+: +/- 2.0 mmol/L * Cl-: +/- 2.5 mmol/L * Ca²+: +/- 0.1 mmol/L * pH: +/- 0.1 Reproducibility of a Ionogram (whole blood, serum or plasma) * K+: < 1.5% * Na+: < 1.5% * Cl-: < 1.5 % * Ca²+: < 3.0 % * pH: < 1.0%