NEW & REFURBISHED MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, (with 3 months warranty), sale 230907
1. CE FDA approved
2.Standard configuration:
3/5 lead ECG SpO2 NIBP Temp RESP PR network rechargeable Lithium battery
3. Optional configuration:
Dual Temp Dual IBP Thermal Printer 12 Lead ECG AND CO2 (Consumer/Side Smoke) Wall Mount Cart
1. 12.1 inch high brightness TFT LCD screen, large digit display
2. Ergonomic design, portable, convenient for use
3. Simultaneous display of 7 ECG leads by one frame
4. Real-time ST segment and arrhythmia analysis
5. Date and waveform colors are adjustable
6. Unique digital SpO2 technology can work during precise movement and low perfusion
7. 96-hour charts and graph trends and date storage
8. Compatible and Auto identify 3-lead and 5-lead ECG cable
9. Double wire NIBP pressure protection
10. Isolated floating, anti defibrillation protected and anti high-frequency interference
11. Double wire NIBP pressure protection
12. Networking with central monitoring system, up to 64 beds in one group
13. Multi-Language: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Polish
Technical Parameters
1. 5-lead or 3-lead selectable
2. Input: 5-lead: RA; THERE; RL; LL; G or R; I; NOT; F; VS
3. Delivery selection: I; II; III; APR; AVL; AVF; VX; callus
4. Gain selection: 12.5mm/s, 25mm/s, 50mm/s
5. Accuracy: 1bpm or 1%, whichever is greater
6. Protection: Withstand 4000VAC/50Hz Voltage in isolation against electro and defibrillation
7. Calibration signal: 1mv5%
8. Working modes: diagnosis, monitor, surgery
9. Alarm range: Adult: 15-300bpm
10. Pediatric/Neonatal: 15-350bpm
11. Alarm range: -2.0mV-2.0mV
12. S-T detection: YES, arrhythmia analysis: YES
13. Alarm: Yes, audible and visual alarm, revocable alarm events
1. METHOD: Oscillometry
2. Working modes: manual / automatic / STAT
3. Unit of measurement: mmHg/kPa selectable
4. Types of measurement: systolic, diastolic, average
5. Measurement range: adult: 10-270mmHg
6. Overpressure Protection: Yes
7. Resolution: 1mmHg
8. Accuracy: mean error and standard deviation per ANSI/AAMI sp-10
9. Alarm: Systolic, Diastolic, Average
1. Measuring range: 0-100%
2. Accuracy: 2 digits (70~100%)
3. 0-69% unspecified
4. Alarm range: 0-100%
1. Method: RA-LL Impedance
2. Pediatric/neonatal: 6-150 rpm
3. Alarm Range: Adult: 6-120 RPM
4. Pediatric/neonatal: 6-150 rpm
5. Apnea alarm: YES
1. Resolution: 0.1 degree centigrade
2. Channel: dual-channel
3. Alarm range: 0-50 degree centigrade