NEW & REFURBISHED MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, (with 3 months warranty), sale 230701


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Prezzo base: €250

Prezzo stimato: €350 - €500

IVA: Solo su commissione

The Compat Ella® Pump is an innovati ve portable enteral feeding pump with a unique coloured user-friendly interface in local language.


• Conti nuous and interval feeding programs from 1 mL to 4000 mL, with or without dose limit

• Flow rates from 1 mL/h to 600 mL/h

• Rate and delivery progress is always visible in run mode

Easy to Learn and Understand

• A colour screen with easy to understand symbols for pump status, batt ery life, pump mode

• A clear U-shaped keypad with intuiti ve icon-based labelling

• On-screen full-text message line to convey pump status, help program nutriti onal therapies and aid in problem solving

Accurate and Safe

• Upstream and downstream occlusion alarms and air-in-line alarm

• +/- 5% delivery accuracy

• AAFF technology: Auto-Anti -Free-Flow to promote pati ent safety

• Separate delivery histories for 1) Current nutriti onal therapy and 2) Cumulati ve volume

• Keypad lock helps avoid accidental changes


• 5-year service interval

• Can be cleaned under warm running water


• Lightweight and portable it can operate in any orientati on

• 24-hour batt ery life at a delivery rate of 125 mL/h

Advanced Functi ons

• PDMS connecti on (Pati ent Data Management Systems)

• Interval mode delivers specifi c volumes at specifi ed intervals

• Therapy lock to help avoid accidental therapy changes

• 30-day volume delivery history