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Infants whose birth weight is extremely low are particularly vulnerable to hypothermia. When these infants experience heat loss, physiological responses create a demand above the normal physiological balance. This is because the infant needs to expend energy and metabolize oxygen to produce heat

This thermal imbalance can cause heat loss and lead to a chain reaction with long-term effects such as hypothermia. The latter can cause a drop in blood pressure, reduce plasma volume, reduce cardiac output.2 If left unchecked, it can cause permanent tissue and brain damage and even death.

For a fragile newborn, a difference of one degree can change everything. The thermoregulation capabilities of Caleo have been clinically documented to meet the specific needs of premature babies.

If the ideal is to be able to maintain the premature baby in an environment protected from any disturbance, in reality, clinicians must have access to the baby to carry out the necessary care. This can affect the baby significantly. For example, in premature babies weighing less than 1,500 g, the peripheral and central temperature would drop during care for 15 to 45 minutes and it would then take up to two hours for the baby to return to its initial temperature.

The ultimate goal of closed care is to create an environment so stable that very low weight babies can maintain a constant body temperature. This state is called thermally neutral zone. Due to the inability of these infants to withstand temperature variations, the Caleo was designed using advanced technologies to stabilize the internal environment during interventions. The following graphics demonstrate these capabilities.


During a nursing shift, one may be required to perform numerous care procedures, such as placing an umbilical catheter, intubation, taking a chest x-ray, handling IVs, repositioning, and suctioning. , which requires repeatedly opening the incubator to access the baby. Exclusive JumboPorts™, 40% larger than portholes, allow easy access to the infant during procedures.

Caleo directly compensates for the drop in temperature due to opening, creating a new type of double air curtain that keeps temperature and humidity stable, even during routine procedures. The double air curtain allows Caleo to maintain thermal stability better than any other system tested.


As there is generally no advance warning of the admission of very low birth weight infants, a warm incubator must be available at all times for unexpected delivery.5

This is why it is essential to have an incubator that can heat up quickly. In an in vitro comparison of heating devices, the Caleo was found to heat faster and retain heat and humidity better, even when the access ports were open.

Humidity inside the incubator is essential to prevent transepidermal water loss (TEWL) in premature babies. The table below illustrates the exponential relationship between gestational age and transepidermal water loss on the first day after birth. In very premature infants, TEWL gradually decreases and the difference in TEWL between the most premature and full-term infants decreases with age. Even four weeks after birth, the TEWL is still twice as high in the first.
On the thermograph of a premature baby, we observe significant temperature differences depending on the parts of the body. The infant’s core temperature is not the same in all tissues and organs and it is generally the brain that is warmest. Taking a temperature at a single point indicates the extent to which a baby is able to maintain this temperature but does not provide information on the energy spent for this thermoregulation. Only Caleo offers true ThermoMonitoring by measuring, documenting and displaying both core and peripheral temperature. So you can see the exact moment when a baby is exposed to hypothermia and remedy it in time.
Dräger has created Heat Balance, a simple and interactive way for caregivers to learn the different types of heat loss that can affect the baby and how to use the Caleo settings to create the best environment. as thermally neutral as possible.
This training tool simulates the thermal balance of infants in an incubator and shows the incidence of different types of heat loss and gain. Based on known physical algorithms for heat loss and documented clinical experience, it shows how Caleo maintains thermal stability. This program also shows the importance of all parameters to balance the temperature of premature babies.
As the Heat Balance is a smartphone app, it can be used anywhere and anytime for training.
Research shows that family-centered care has significant benefits for the preterm infant,7 including improved well-being, better mental health prognosis, reduced length of stay and better parent bonding. -infant. The Caleo offers a kangaroo mode allowing you to continue to monitor the baby’s temperature during contact care and adjusting the temperature in the incubator according to the baby’s temperature to allow a gentle return to an ideal environment.
• Low height adjustment (80 cm / 31.5 inches) for mothers in wheelchairs following childbirth or cesarean section.
• Large access windows to allow parents easy access to the infant in a closed care environment, allowing them to participate in their child’s care.
• Large hood without obstruction to allow good visibility of the baby. The cover material is scratch-resistant and designed with rounded corners to remove visual distortions.
• A form of cocoon, less intimidating and more welcoming for parents experiencing the intensive care unit for the first time. It is possible to move the monitor so that it does not obstruct and thus move the technique away from the mother’s face for a more human connection.
It is essential for the proper development of premature babies that sound levels in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit are low. The Caleo represents a major advance in particular because it maintains the lowest possible sound level. It is designed to reduce disturbances that can interrupt natural sleep rhythms, impact the developing nervous system, and cause cochlear damage.
• A quiet interior: the Caleo and all its components have been designed to operate silently and at a low interior noise level (less than 47 dbA). It allows a low air velocity around the infant (less than 8 cm/s), which means a quiet environment with minimal ambient noise. A study conducted by Duke University showed that the Caleo was significantly quieter than all other incubators tested.
• A smart alarm: the sound comes from a speaker located at a distance from the infant and is designed to gradually accelerate like a chime. Intelligent, the alarm can be set to 8 different sound levels and identified by LEDs of different colors.
• Silent windows: unlike most incubator windows, which are so noisy that they disturb the baby, the Caleo windows are ultra-quiet when opening and closing.
• Silent tilt: the Caleo can be tilted to move the cabin away from sources of drafts and noise in the NICU. Quiet height adjustment: the Caleo’s height adjustment mechanism is very quiet and allows the necessary adjustments to be made between two guards discreetly.
Proper positioning of the infant is essential for their postural development and that of the resulting locomotor functions. Caleo positioning accessories help the baby maintain a stable posture despite gravity
• SoftBed Mattress – designed specifically to reduce pressure on an infant’s skin, the mattress is made of visco-elastic foam and has a comfortable breathable cover for the baby in his bassinet.
• Hug it, the Nest and Pillows – these accessories are specially designed to provide physiological stability, containment and support for the baby. They can also provide additional assistance to the clinician during procedures. MANAGING LIGHT LEVELS As you can imagine, bright light is not part of the in utero environment. If light is necessary for care, light levels must be controlled for the well-being of the baby.
• A suitable lamp cover: provides effective protection from unwanted and dangerous light, mimicking the natural environment of premature babies and providing them with the safe haven they need to live and develop.
• 3 dimming levels: the Caleo has a dimming range on the control panel to reduce lighting during night guard duty. •Discover other Dräger offerings like the Circadian Lighting System, which simulates the variation of sunlight throughout the day and helps maintain the circadian rhythms so important to you and your patients.
The Caleo also has features that reduce unnecessary contact with the baby, which would constitute additional stimuli. We’ve configured these options for maximum ease of use, so you can focus on what matters: the baby. •Access portholes: the Caleo has ultra-light and easy-to-use doors on both sides. • Side doors: These large doors on the short sides of the Caleo open, providing additional access for procedures like ultrasound.
• The hood: in an emergency, it can be lifted from either side.
• The extractable mattress: it allows easy access to the baby if necessary, even when the Caleo is in an inclined position.
• The integrated x-ray tray: it allows easy access to the baby without disturbing him.
• Exclusive JumboPorts™: 40% larger than ordinary ports, they open silently and have an ergonomic design to facilitate care during an intervention. The centrally placed window opening mechanism makes it easy to open both windows simultaneously with one hand or elbow.
• The tilt function: it allows you to tilt gently at the press of a button. •Adjustable height: it allows smooth adjustment from either side.
• The positionable control panel: it is possible to position the control panel where it best serves your work flow.
Hygiene in the incubator is therefore imperative. This is why one of the key design objectives of Caleo was to protect the baby against nosocomial infections.
• Closed-loop humidity system: prevents microorganisms present in the air from entering the passenger compartment.
• High temperature cleaning mode: High temperature cleaning mode at 110°C disinfects the unit and removes residual water in the internal mechanism.
• Narrow closures and rounded corners prevent bacteria from accumulating in delicate areas.
• Minimal design in terms of parts: with only 11 components in total, it facilitates cleaning and allows systematic disinfection.
When designing the Caleo, priority was given to protecting the baby through safety measures. Special functions and mechanisms have been implemented to avoid adding to the baby’s stress and allow caregivers to concentrate on daily care. •Automatic self-tests: Caleo tests all electronic systems, sensors and functions. It is monitored every eight minutes, which ensures the security of the entire system.
• Quality sensors: the quality of Dräger sensors guarantees the reliability of the measured values ​​displayed: “you see what you really have. »
• No higher temperatures: thanks to the innovative double air curtain concept, there is no need for higher temperatures to achieve excellent performance with minimal heating times.
• Heat shield technology: limits the outlet temperature to a maximum of 45°C, ensuring a maximum surface temperature of 43°C on all tangible parts. •Unobstructed portholes: the inclination of the bed does not obstruct the portholes because the entire capsule moves, giving access in any position.
• Wall locks: the caregiver cannot leave the incubator without locking the walls because a spring mechanism prevents them from remaining upright if they are not locked.